8 ways to get relief from headaches without pain killers – SUCH TV


Headaches are quite common ailment affecting many people worldwide with mild to acute terrible pain.

However, pain killers give temporary relief and comfort and dependency on these medicines leads to potential side effects. Luckily many home remedies can effectively manage the problem without the use of any sort of painkiller medicines.

Hydration: Headaches are frequently caused by dehydration. Staying hydrated during the day can help reduce or avoid headaches, so be sure to drink lots of water.

Rest: Headaches can be brought on by stress and sleep deprivation. Take up relaxation exercises like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing to lower stress and encourage better sleep, which can help with headache relief.

Aromatherapy: Studies have demonstrated the ability of several essential oils, including eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint, to relieve headaches. For relief, apply a few drops of essential oil diluted in carrier oil to your temples or breathe in the scent.

Cold Compress: Using an ice pack or cold compress on the back of the neck or the forehead will help narrow blood vessels and lessen swelling.

Hot/Cold treatment: Changing up the temperature between hot and cold treatment helps ease headaches and relax tight muscles. Consider using a heated towel followed by a cold compress, or try having a hot shower followed by a quick cold shower.

Acupressure: Applying pressure to certain bodily pressure points can help reduce headaches. Firmly push on the area between your thumb and index finger, or rub the back of your neck, where your skull base is located.

Herbal Remedies: Traditionally, headaches have been treated with certain herbs, such as butterbur and feverfew. Before utilizing herbal medicines, speak with a healthcare provider because they can have negative effects or interfere with medication.

Frequent Exercise: By enhancing circulation and lowering stress, frequent physical exercise can help lessen the frequency and severity of headaches. On most days of the week, try to get in at least 30 minutes of moderate activity.


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