Robert De Niro delivers strong word at discrimination trial


Robert De Niro delivers strong word at discrimination trial
Robert De Niro delivers strong word at discrimination trial

In the court, things started to get heated as Graham Chase Robinson’s lawyer pressed Robert De Niro with pointed questions in the embezzlement case where the latter took his ex-assistant to court in a multimillion-dollar lawsuit.

“Shame on you, Chase Robinson!” the Oscar winner shouted on the stand after his former assistant advocate harried him with questions.

Responding to the lawsuit, Graham has counter-sued the Godfather actor for gender discrimination, according to The Messenger.

Following this, her attorney pushed the 80-year-old about Graham’s distressing claim that he often engaged in lewd acts on phone calls with her, like urinating.

Fumed over the allegation, Robert shot back, “Give me a break with that nonsense. You get us all here for this?”

Denying most of the allegations, the New York native does admit calling his former assistant a “spoiled brat,” noting he may also use the word “bitch” with her.

However, he insisted that he remained under the socially accepted lines. “I was never abusive,” he maintained. “Period.”

In 2019, Robert’s company, Canal Productions, accused Graham of fraud and watching Netflix on the job.


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