Summer Heatwave: How To Protect Your Children From The Rising Temperature


Heatwave in India: We must protect ourselves against heatwaves, especially when many parts of India are blazing in scorching temperatures. Due to the body’s inability to regulate high temperatures, can result in conditions like heat exhaustion or heat stroke, where individuals may suffer faintness, dry skin, and discomfort.

Many states have announced summer breaks in schools due to the heatwave to keep kids as cool as possible and prevent them from being outside between noon and 4 pm. Various health advisory has been issued for parents and schools to protect kids from the heatwave in areas where summer vacation hasn’t yet started.

Dr Sameer Sadawarte, HOD & Sr. Consultant-Paediatrics, Fortis Hospital, Mulund in a conversation with Zee English shares the different ways in which parents can keep their children safe during summers.

“Summer is at its peak and currently, most states in India are facing the impact of the heat wave. There has been a sudden spike in temperature during the daytime and at night as well. The heat wave has left children vulnerable to heat-related illnesses while playing outside or attending school. Children are more susceptible to heat-related ailments than adults, as the body is less efficient at regulating its temperature,” says Dr Sadawarte.

“In this unbearable summer, the extreme heat can cause illness, dehydration, and whatnot, mainly in children. Thus, it isquite important for parents to take necessary measuresto ensure their kids are safe during theheatwave and avoid any heat-related illnesses.Some of the heat-wave-related diseases among children include heatstroke, heat exhaustion, rhabdomyolysis, heat cramps, heat rash, and heat syncope,” mentions Dr. Pankaj Singhai, Consultant – Internal Medicine, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road.

Parents should watch out for signs that may indicate that their child is suffering from heat-related ailments. This includes:

– Urge to drink water or feeling thirsty always

– Nausea

– Headaches

– High body temperature

– Heat rush (skin irritation resulting from excessive sweating in hot and humid conditions)

– Muscle cramps (Heat cramps typically affect people who sweat excessively while doing strenuous activity, leading to the depletion of the body’s salt and moisture levels)

– Heat Exhaustion (a form of heat-related illness that occurs when the body loses excess water and salt, typically due to profuse sweating)

– Rhabdomyolysis (rhabdo is a medical condition that results from prolonged physical exertion and heat stress)

– Heat syncope (is characterized by dizziness or fainting)

Children can get sick very quickly from high temperatures and excessive heat in a number of different ways. Dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat stroke can all result from it, each of which is a medical emergency. Children and the adults who care for them may get irritable as a result of high temperatures.

Also Read: Dehydration: Key Signs And Symptoms To Spot This Season- Check Preventive Measure

Protecting Children from Illness During the Heatwave

During a heatwave, it is important to take measures to protect children from heat stroke and ear infections, which are common during high temperatures. Children are also at risk of fever, cold, and cough due to consuming cold drinks and ice cream. Dr Pankaj advices, “To prevent food poisoning, diarrhea, or gastroenteritis (stomach flu), make sure children avoid eating roadside food that has been left open or cut for a long time. Ensure they drink enough water to stay hydrated and offer them light, non-cold foods for the next two days.”

Here are certain things to keep in mind:

Clothing: Dress children in light, breathable fabrics such as cotton and avoid tight clothes that can restrict blood circulation. Avoid nylon and polyester.

Going outdoors: When going outside in hot weather, cover your children’s heads with a scarf, stole, cap, or hat and apply sunscreen before leaving the house.

Hydration: Ensure children drink at least 2 liters of water daily. This helps to flush out toxins from their bodies. Drink other hydrating beverages like coconut water, lemon juice, chaas, or sabja water, as well as foods such as papaya, muskmelon, watermelon, cucumber, radish, tomato, and yogurt.

Skincare: Protect children’s eyes with sunglasses, wash their faces regularly to remove excess oil, use sunscreen with SPF over 30 to shield their skin from UV rays, and use a lightweight moisturizer.

Also Read: Higher SPF Means Better Protection? All You Need To Know About Sunscreens

Precautions to Prevent Dehydration and Heatstroke

To prevent dehydration and heatstroke, follow these precautions:

– Drink enough water throughout the day. Avoid sugary, alcoholic, and caffeinated drinks.

– Eat smaller, healthier meals throughout the day and avoid junk, oily, canned, and processed foods.

– Ensure that your AC ducts are properly insulated and the filters are clean if you have an AC at home.

– Never leave children or pets alone in hot vehicles to avoid suffocation.

– Avoid going outdoors during the hottest hours of the day, typically between 11 am to 3 pm in the afternoon.

Tips To Beat The Summer Heat

Here are a few simple tips to keep your children safe from heatwave:

– Avoid outdoor gatherings

– Avoid playing outdoor games during the daytime

– When playing outside, prefer shaded areas (like under a tree or covered area) and carry a bottle of water to take frequent sips

– Take multiple breaks during playtime

– While playing if a child complains of excessive sweating and fatigue, it is important to stop the activity and allow them to take rest

– It is advisable to drink water/ fluids if the kid has not urinated in the last 3 hours

– Avoid heavy meals and cold drinks

– Prefer eating healthy food rather the oily food

– If children experience symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, or fatigue, it is important to move immediately to a cooler area

– Wear cotton and light-shaded clothes; avoid tight-fitted clothes

– Avoid eating ice

– For kids and adolescents avoid strenuous exercise and playing outdoors during the day time. Either before 9 am or after 6 pm is prescribed

– It is advised to avoid caffeine like tea, coffee, cold drinks, etc.

– Never leave the child alone in a parked car as the temperature inside a car can rise very quickly.

Dr Sadawarte shares that if you think your child is suffering from any heat-related ailments please consult a nearby health expert on priority.

Keep your it cool for when your child is feeling hot, give them a cool bath or water mist to cool down. Swimming is another great way to cool off while staying active.


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