From Diabetes Management To Blood Pressure Regulation: Natural Ayurvedic Remedies For Common Health Issues

[ad_1] With over three millennia of practice, Ayurveda is arguably the oldest medicinal system to have its roots in India. Literally translated, Ayurveda means “Science of Life.” The Sanskrit term “Ayur” means “life,” and the word “Veda” means “science” or “knowledge.” According to Ayurveda, the accumulation of pollutants that obstruct the prana, the source of…

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Treating Mumps Using Ayurvedic Practices – Expert Explains

[ad_1] In March, Kerala saw an outbreak of mumps – a contagious viral infection, primarily affecting the salivary glands, leading to painful swelling, especially around the cheeks and jaw. Doctors say that while most cases are mild, complications can occur, making it crucial to understand its symptoms, prevention measures, and available treatments. Dr Ravishankar Polisetty, Pioneer…

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Ayurvedic Haircare: 3 Seasonal Rituals For Vibrant Locks- A Self-Care Guide

[ad_1] Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a holistic approach to well-being, including haircare. Ayurvedic practices consider the impact of seasonal changes on the body and mind, advocating for unique approaches to maintain hair health throughout the year. In this article, we’ll explore how Ayurveda can be instrumental in transforming your haircare routine…

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How To Balance Pitta Dosha: 3 Tips By Ayurveda Expert

[ad_1] Are you experiencing symptoms such as heartburn, inflammation, acid reflux, increased hunger and thirst, body odour, and feelings of anger and frustration? These could be signs of an imbalance in pitta levels within your body. According to Ayurveda, every individual’s body is governed by three active energies known as doshas – Vata Dosha, Pitta…

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