Headache Cure: 5 Drinks To Get Relief

[ad_1] Headaches can strike at the most inconvenient times, leaving us searching for relief. While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, certain drinks have properties that might help alleviate that pounding sensation. Let’s explore five beverages that could potentially offer some respite. 1. Hydration Heroes Dehydration is a common culprit behind headaches. Reaching for a glass…

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Have A Throbbing Headache? Know Importance Of Sleep Hygiene In Managing Crippling Migraine

[ad_1] Migraine, a prevalent form of primary headache, is distinguished by pulsating pain on one side of the head, often accompanied by symptoms like nausea, sensitivity to light (photophobia), sensitivity to sound (phonophobia), and blurred vision, persisting for more than four hours. Understanding the intricate relationship between migraine and sleep is crucial for effectively managing…

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Understanding The Effects Of Covid-19 On Long-Term Pain

[ad_1] These genes were associated with neurodegeneration and pain-related pathways, suggesting lasting damage to dorsal root ganglia (spinal nerves that carry sensory messages from various receptors) that may underlie symptoms of Post-Covid Conditions also known as Long Covid. The findings, appearing online in the journal Science Signaling, may contribute to the understanding of pathophysiology…

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Exploring The Link Between Cluster Headaches, Migraine And How It Affects The Body’s Internal Health

[ad_1] The analysis was published in the online edition of Neurology, the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology. All cluster headache and migraine studies that have circadian aspects were included in the meta-analysis.  These include studies on whether genes linked to the circadian clock are more prevalent in people with these headaches…

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