Seasonal Cold And Flu: 12 Preventive Tips To Help Combat Viral Infections During Weather Changes

[ad_1] The abrupt change in weather from winter to summer has increased infections and flu-like symptoms. Doctors report that individuals are experiencing signs of the viral flu, such as headaches, fever, sore throat, cough, and cold.  According to experts, the abrupt transition in weather from cold to warmer temperatures has increased in instances of seasonal…

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From Diabetes Management To Blood Pressure Regulation: Natural Ayurvedic Remedies For Common Health Issues

[ad_1] With over three millennia of practice, Ayurveda is arguably the oldest medicinal system to have its roots in India. Literally translated, Ayurveda means “Science of Life.” The Sanskrit term “Ayur” means “life,” and the word “Veda” means “science” or “knowledge.” According to Ayurveda, the accumulation of pollutants that obstruct the prana, the source of…

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World Health Day: Empower Your Gut With 8 Golden Rules For Optimal Digestive Wellness

[ad_1] Maintaining gut health goes beyond preventing digestive issues. Improving your gut health is essential for maintaining the health of the body’s systems and supporting and regulating physiological activities, even though it may also reduce gastrointestinal problems.  To put it simply, food is broken down by your gut, sometimes referred to as your gastrointestinal…

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World Health Day 2024: How Are Physical And Mental Health Connected? Expert Shares Dos & Donts For Optimal Wellbeing

[ad_1] We often overlook our mental health because it’s not as readily visible as physical ailments. However, the reality is that it profoundly impacts our physical well-being. Take chronic stress, for example, it is a mental health issue that can wreak havoc on your body. It weakens your immune system, making you more vulnerable to…

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World Autism Awareness Day: 7 Ways To Sensitize Family And Caregivers To Support Children With Special Needs

[ad_1] World Autism Awareness Day, observed on April 2 each year, serves to raise awareness about autism and promote efforts to educate, empower, and support individuals affected by the condition. This year’s theme, “Empowering Autistic Voices,” highlights the importance of amplifying the voices of those with autism to provide them with more support and autonomy. …

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