​Weight Management: What Is The New 30–30–30 Rule For Sustainable Fat Loss?​ Know All About It Here

[ad_1] In the ever-evolving landscape of weight management, a new approach has emerged, promising a revolutionary way to shed those extra kilos  the 30–30–30 rule. As individuals embark on their weight loss journeys, this rule has garnered attention for its simplicity and potential effectiveness. Breaking down into three crucial components – diet, exercise, and rest…

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Healthy, Wealthy And Wise! 8 Nutrition Tips By Celebrity Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar

[ad_1] In India, a major part of the population suffers from non-communicable diseases like obesity, diabetes, cancer, PCOD, heart ailments, mental health issues, etc. Nutrition science indicates that culturally relevant foods and eating practices are the gold standard for good nutrition and health.  Here is some cherry-picked expert advice from Rujuta Diwekar’s The 12-Week…

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