Spotting Danger: 5 Quiet Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer Every Woman Should Know

[ad_1] Ovarian cancer ranks as the third most prevalent cancer among Indian females, with approximately 44,000 cases diagnosed annually, according to Globocan data. Recognized for its aggressiveness, ovarian cancer carries a heightened risk of fatality, often diagnosed in advanced stages (III or IV). The challenge lies in its rapid growth and the manifestation of nonspecific…

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Why Hairdressers, Beauticians, Accountants Are At High Risk Of Ovarian Cancer? Study Reveals

[ad_1] The study, published online in the journal Occupational & Environmental Medicine, was conducted on 1,388 women aged 18-79, of which 491 had epithelial ovarian cancer and 897 didn’t. Researchers from the University of Montreal in Canada calculated participants’ exposure to specific agents in the workplace, and the relationship between exposure to each of…

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