Prince William ‘gone too far’ with latest statement, he’s making a big mistake


Prince William’s latest statement receives criticism amid King Charles’ cancer diagnosis

Prince William ‘gone too far’ with latest statement, he’s making a big mistake
Prince William ‘gone too far’ with latest statement, he’s making a big mistake

Prince William has been warned he has made a “very big mistake” after issuing his latest statement regarding the “conflict in the Middle East.”

William, the Prince of Wales, has “gone too far” by issuing a statement over Israel-Hamas war, claimed British broadcaster and former politician, Nigel Farage.

In a piece for GB News, the journalist analyzed William’s statement in which he said he is “deeply concerned about the terrible human cost of the conflict in the Middle East.”

William said that “too many have been killed” since “Hamas terrorist attack on its table, the 7th,” adding that he, “like so many others, want to see an end to the fighting as soon as possible.”

“There is a desperate need for increased humanitarian support to Gaza,” said William before sharing that it is “critical that aid gets in and that hostages are released.”

ALSO READ: Prince William is ‘passionate’ about ‘Israeli-Hamas conflict,’ will not ‘hide behind mantle’

Speaking on the matter, Farage said, “The intervention overnight from Prince William, I think is the most direct political piece of interference that has international and global implications that I think we’ve ever seen.”

“Well, one good thing at least he mentioned the hostages, because almost no one these days seems to talk about the Israeli hostages that were taken on October 7,” the expert added.

“But for him to call for an immediate end to all fighting is going to be seen by many in the international community as absolutely clear evidence that Prince William is saying to Israel, ‘stop what you’re doing.’

“Some will see that as being given a free pass to Hamas. Many young people will say, ‘Hooray, he’s doing the right thing’.

Farage continued: “But whether he’s doing the right thing or not, has he gone just too far with this? Should our future king intervene in this way? I don’t believe that he should.”

He said the Prince of Wales is “making a very big mistake” by issuing a statement on the ongoing war in the Middle East. 


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